White Oak Lumber 4/4"

Kiln dried White Oak lumber 4/4" =25.4mm is imported from America. This is the most common dimension, suitable for all kinds of furniture.

White Oak Lumber 4/4

  • Sale Price:Call

White Oak lumber imported from America also has other dimensions, such as: 3/4" (19.1mm); 5/4" (31.8mm); 6/4" (38.1mm); 8/4" (50.8mm). 10/4" (63.5mm), and many grades: FAS, 1Com, 2Com, 3Com.

Imported kiln dried Oak lumber has the moisture content of 12+-2, the standard MC for exports.

If you are in need of White Oak lumber imported from America, either several bundles or a whole container, please contact us via phone number: 0911 335 995.

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